One. Year. Later.

    How incredibly ironic that I stumbled upon my blog today.. when just a few days ago I posted my "One year later" photos on Facebook.
    So, one year later what has happened? Well, a lot. One thing that hasn't happened? The Chocolate 5k that I discussed in my last blog post ONE YEAR AGO! HA!
    I've always been horrid at New Year Resolutions, so I'm not surprised I never made it to the land of the chocolate eating athletes. BUT I WILL THIS YEAR!!! Well, not THIS year technically but at the next running of the chocolate in February of 2014. AND instead of running with the 5k level athletes.. I will be in the coveted 15k group!! (A side note, while I will be one of the 15k groupies.. I will not be one to envy.. pretty sure I'll need chocolate to up my sugar levels so I don't pass out during the 9 miles.)
     Anyhoo, back to my post title. A year later. How neat to look back and see how pitiful I was... haha, just kidding.. but seriously..
    I've been reflecting a lot lately on what I've accomplished. Not in life, necessarily.. not trying to be THAT person, but what I've accomplished for myself. Just me. While I've made changes during the past year... my biggest changes came this past March. I watched a documentary, "Hungry for Change." Which I'm pretty sure I was eating fruit roll ups while watching... and it shed light on the way our bodies digest the things that we eat... How it recognizes foods and how it uses them to help your body function. Exciting, huh?? Well it was! A light bulb went off above my head and I FINALLY got it! While diet and exercise are about calories in versus calories out.. there really is a lot more to it!
    So, I purged my pantries and refrigerators (yes I have multiple refrigerators.. don't all foodies?!) of all the junk / not real food and started fresh. Literally, just fresh food. While I'm not going to go into detail... let's just say it was literally life altering. I've never felt so amazing. You SERIOUSLY are what you eat!
    After changing my eating habits.. I was harassed into trying out this 'boot camp'  class by some fellow church folk. "It's so much fun." they said. "You'll love it." they said. "You're going to want to jump in front of moving traffic." they did NOT say but really should have.
    It was the hardest 60 minutes of exercise I've ever experienced in my entire 26 years of life.... and I LOVED it! I was instantly addicted to the excitement, the comradery, the sweat and determination, and strangely the soreness I felt the very next day.
    I finally found something I truly enjoyed and felt good doing! It's been a no brainer ever since.
    I truly love going to the gym 3 times a week. I truly love running 15+ miles a week. I truly love talking about my new lifestyle and the new relationships that I've developed... does all this make me a different person? No. What makes me a different person now, than I was one year ago.. is that I truly. love. life.
    I am a blessed wife, mother of 2, Jesus praisin', bootcamp going, mile running, life lovin' girl. And to me.. that makes this past year, the best year of my life.

October 2012 / October 2013


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