I Run.. Because saying 'I walked' doesn't sound as cool.

    As I've gone full force into this whole "healthy" thing, I've become really passionate about running.   
     Don't get me wrong, I feel totally beastly flipping my 195lb tires, pumping iron in the gym like I own the place, and running backwards up a hill without stopping.. OK so the last one is stretch.. I slow down considerably about half way.. BUT I really, really enjoy running. Not so much the 'run' part.. more of the 'ran' part - past tense - I. Just. Love. It.
     There's nothing like going for miles and miles, in you're only little word, and then when you're done you're like, 'Dude. I just did that!'
     So, as I do with anything else, I've fully committed myself to the cause. I am currently registered for two 5ks, a 10k, and 4 half marathons - with a 5th half marathon in the plans. While the idea of doing that much running is enough to make some people eat their weight in chocolate and then lay down to take a nap.. I, however, am UBERLY excited!
     Maybe it's because I've always been, well - fat and lazy - or maybe it's the fact that not everyone can say, "I ran 13.1 miles. Hear me roar! ROAR!" Either way, I'm pumped.
     So in an effort to "Be the Best that I Can Be." I've turned to professional help. No, not a therapist - which under the circumstances probably wouldn't be a bad idea. Professional, as in a REAL, bona fide training plan created by "real runners", not fake ones, and some olympian chick. The fact that a real olympian runner is putting her face on it makes me wanna roll in honey. (Do I know who she is? Umm no.. but she's an olympian. That makes her legit. Right?)
    Starting this weekend, I'm going to begin my new plan.. or maybe tonight. I haven't decided. Instead of running miles, I'm running minutes... so this is either going to help or hurt.. either way, I'm up for the challenge and I'm bringing you all along for the ride!!
     Lace up your shoes, put on your sweat bands, and turn on the tunes cause we're going running!! Well, I'm going running... you're going to be reading.. just keep doing what you're doing..



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