On the wagon? Or off the wagon? That is the question...

    OK, first off - I hate the wagon. The wagon SUCKS. Whoever invented "the wagon" should be punched in the throat.
    With that off my chest, I can't seem to stay on the wagon, per say. Apparently, I'm sitting too close to the edge and there are a lot of pot holes on the road. I keep falling off... and getting ran over... by all 4 wheels.. just sayin'.
    Today I am on the wagon.. I'm not calling it a wagon, though. Instead, I'm on the couch. Doesn't that sound better? It's more comfortable, it's normally in an air conditioned room, and it doesn't move. This MIGHT make it easier for me to stay on it... until I see the chocolate cake across the room on the table.. Thank God I don't have chocolate cake in my house..
    So, I'm on the couch and I feel great. Encouraged. FRANTABULOUS! I'm trying to find my balance, aka desire, to stay on my Paleo Lifestyle. I love the Paleo way. I love how I feel. I love the food. I love that I can eat ALL day and don't have to count anything.. I just also loves slushies. And chocolate chip cookies. And tacos.
    But today is a new day and I'm on the ball! I see the prize! And I am craving cupcakes!!
    What is my point? My point is.. no one is perfect. No diet is perfect. And we're all going to fall off the wagon every once in a while.
    So, I may eat horribly a couple weeks or days out of the year.. as long as I pick myself up and get back on the "couch", then I'll succeed.
     Have I gained a few pounds this past month? Yes. Have I eaten like a baby cow this past month? Um, yes. Did I love every bite? OMG YES! Was it worth it? No. But I won't beat myself up. I won't be defeated because my scale has gone up a few notches. And I definitely won't give up.
     Today I am on the wagon - err.. couch! I am excited. I am happy. I am UNDEFEATED.

Day 9 of 365.


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