Girl Meets Grill.

Grillin' Like A Boss.

    I. Am. A Grilling Machine.

    There. I said it. Bust out the champagne and fancy cheese. I AM ROYALTY.
    Now last night was only my 3rd time to use such a contraption, I must say I am a natural. (Excluding the first time I used it and all the food was literally on fire.. but we aren't counting that one.)
    Anyhoo! I am a female version of Emeril.. except I'm not italian and I don't say BAM! when I season. I'm still working on my trademark 'saying' which I'll share with you in the near future.
    Last night I grilled steaks and hamburgers. As sides, I served homemade green beans with bacon, seasoned veggies AND loaded mashed red potatoes. Now, when I say loaded, I mean these babies should have been arrested for all they were packing!! I could have EASILY eaten my weight in them. If only there were a thing as a Smell-A-Blog.. (see what I did there?? Emeril has nothing on me..)
    Now that I have the grilling thing down.. I can add it to my list of baking, cooking, juicing, ice cream making, freezing, and heating frozen dinners - amazing ball of craftiness that embodies me.
    Now to my next endeavor... RULING THE WORLD!!!!! *insert evil laugh here*

Last Nights Dinner. A plate of epicness.


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