Oh Crap, I gotta go... Literally.

    OK, so the title on this is a little... gross BUT you're still reading.. so who's nastier, me or you?
     As I continue to train for my first half marathon next February, I've noticed a trend as I increase my distances. I have to poop. (Did you seriously expect this to be about something else?)
     In the beginning, God made the Heavens.. haha, just kidding.. in the beginning of my training I noted that I got the "running farts". About a half mile or so in.. I'd need to cut the cheese, as some say, and NO amount of butt clenching or whatever it's called to try to hold them babies in would work. There were MANY of awkward moments for myself when running in the beginning. I won't go into detail there. You're welcome.
     As I've progressed, the "running farts" have spread out to farther distances.. they don't hit until about a mile and a half in but they are now the warning sign of "the running craps." (I'm working on the name, don't worry.)
     Now, when I say I gotta go.. I mean, I really gotta go! I don't know if the up and down motion of me running is just slowly pushing the air and... you know.. "stuff" down through my system or what. But whatever it is, it ain't cute.
     I've contemplated the whole diaper thing.. OK, that was a lie. That thought just came to me. It will be a sad day when I am willing to wear a diaper to make it through a run. When I reach that point and I'm willing to tell you about it in my blog.. get me heavily medicated. Seriously.
     So, anyway.. I know I have some running buds who follow me. How do you... prevent this issue. If that's even a possibility. Do I go into pre-hibernation mode and eat a bunch of hair or something to clog that stuff up? Do I eat cheese to prevent the cheese from cutting? Invest in some Port-A-Pottys and strategically place them through out my running routes? I can't be the only one with this problem. And if I am.. pretend like you never read this.



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