I'm officially... "Old"

I was pumping gas this Saturday when I noticed this guy kind of staring at me. Ok, he was totally staring at me. I was flattered for a minute. Who doesn't appreciate someone thinking that you're pretty?? The flattery was quickly over and I was creeped out.. because he went from looking.. to walking my way. My thoughts went from, 'Awwwwww' to 'Holy crap he's gonna rob me!" Extreme? Maybe.. but hey! You never know these days!!
I hopped in my car.. locked all the doors but mine and stepped out to finish pumping my gas. Prepared to kung foo his hiney at any second!
He walks up to me and was like, 'Hey.' "Hi..." I replied... ready to punch him in the throat and then drop kick his butt across the parking lot. Yes, I went gangster. Sue me.
"How are you doing?" he asked. "Oh, good.. just getting gas.." Is this how you rob someone these days? Make small talk??
"I'm good. Just waiting for the bus. You know how the bus is. Always late," he said.
Actually, I'm pumping gas into my CAR. I wouldn't know that the bus is always late because I have a CAR. Do you see my CAR?! I awkwardly laughed and was like, "Yeah.."
Right around this time a truck pulled into the gas stall next to me. I sighed with a little relief because it was a big truck.. which meant a big redneck would come to my rescue if this guy decided to try to steal my lunch money. I was in the safe zone.
As I waited for the gas pump to stop or the bus to show up.. my new friend finally made known what his intentions were. "So, do you know of any good parties tonight?"
Wait, what.. Party??? I'm in a Mommy Mobile and I have two carseats clearly stationed in my back seat.. and you ask me if I know of any parties?!
"Um, no." I said under my breath.. I'm sure the look on my face was a like a dog staring at itself in the mirror... Utterly confused.
"Oh, well I just thought you might know of a good party going on. I was just wanting to party." Still confused... I awkwardly laughed - again - and replied, "Oh.. no. I don't party or anything. I'm not into that stuff."
At this point I felt we had said all that needed to be said. I felt secure in knowing he wasn't going to rob me and he knew I wasn't a partier. What else needed to be said? Conversation over.
NOT. "OH! You must be OLD then! I thought you were a teenager."
HOLD THE TRUCK RIGHT THERE PARTNER! Old?! I MUST BE OLD?! When did I get old?! I can party!!! I can party... I like Chuck E Cheese. Isn't that a party?!?!?!
Holy crap... That was the moment. There it was. I. Am. Old.
I shook the thought of depends, dentures and wheelchairs and yelled back at him (since I was his grandmas age apparently, he decided to walk away), "AHHH! Yeah! I'm old!! Almost 30 over here!!!!" He didn't even respond..
Then my gas pump stopped and I was left with my new found reality... my Senior Citizen Status.
Time to invest in some Moo Moos...
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