Off the cob and on my toe?!

As I train for my first 1/2 Marathon in February, I've encountered a few ailments along the way. Blisters, side stitches, cramps, nausea during long runs, achilles tendonitis.. and now - corns. Yep! I have the ultimate foot joke of an issue. You have 5 seconds to crack your best corn line.. and GO! Now that you have that off your chest, let's get back to business. To make matters more "interesting" I have not one but TWO. One on each foot.. on the same toe. (The 4th one if you care to know.. I mean, you're still reading this blog so you must be somewhat interested.) I noticed "them" last week. When I was walking it felt like a pebble was in between my toes. They didn't really hurt but I could definitely tell something was up. I didn't give it much thought other than something was in my sock. The week went on and this 'pebble' kept somehow getting in my sock! So y...