Sweaty butt?

I completed my second training run last night. It wasn't half bad... which makes me think I should up the intensity but I don't want to rush things.
   Thomas and the boys were home with my last night when I ran... and of course the boys were SO obsessed with the treadmill and what I was doing on it. I like to run with headphones so I can be 'in the zone' and all they wanted to do was talk... and about random things. Drawing, pumpkin seeds, the treadmill, school, going potty and they need me to wipe their but.. SERIOUSLY?! Your dad is in the other room! Go talk his ear off!! Don't get me wrong.. I love my kids to death.. but when I'm running.. pretend I'm not home! Like you do when you're doing crap you know you aren't supposed to.
   Anyway, besides the bathroom inquiries from my children my run was excellent. I felt accomplished when I got done.. and horribly tired and sore. I don't know about y'all.. but I'm a 'butt sweater'. I don't know what my deal is.. or if I just have a large back end but my butt was soaked. I didn't even want to sit on the furniture.. any remedies for this?? Besides butt surgery? Is there such a thing?
  I've been googling things on running and weight loss.. because I'd also like to shed a few pant sizes in this whole journey to my Chocolate 5k... that way when I actually run the 5k.. I can eat some chocolate in it's honor. I'm currently..... *GASP* 175lbs! *GASP* Which isn't bad.. I started over a year ago at 210lbs and I've been stuck here for a while... OK so I got down to 159 and then got lazy.. that's not the point here. The point is.. I wanna be a MILF. Is that so much to ask for?!?!? (Just to clarify.. not the kind of MILF in the american pie movies 'cause she didn't look like much of a MILF to me.. maybe like Posh Spice MILF.. yeah.. like her... just not that skinny.. and with a smile..)
   In my research, I've noticed a trend.. everyone says I need to 'strength train'. I'm assuming lifting my coffee cup and fork to my mouth isn't necessarily considered 'strength training'. This just doesn't sound fun to me.. I'm not afraid I'm going to 'bulk' up or get all 'manly' looking and grow a mustache or anything... I just don't enjoy that kind of thing. Throw me a bone here, someone!! What's fun in that area? I carry my 3 year old around Walmart sometimes.. can I count that? Ugh.. isn't there a pill for this? Like steroids or something???
   Until next time, folks...


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