I've Commited. I got this.

I have officially lost my mind. I have committed to run a 5k with my friend I shall call.. Killian Kristen.
   Anyhoo, enough about her.. I've commited to this 5k which isn't SO bad. I love running. I just love doing it more when I'm asleep - Nothing wrong with that, right? It's the same as pretending I'm skinny while I eat an entire medium cheese pizza by myself.. and preteding the pizza is a tossed salad minus the dressing. It's good for me!
    There is an upside to this thing. It's in February.. so I have plenty of time to get ready AND it's called the Chocolate Run. Now, when I envision this.. I see people lined along the running route passing out chocolate bars, hot chocolate, chocolate dipped chocolate... shall I go on? Then at the end of the race there is this huge chocolate fountain and you get to drink from it with large ladels.. but that is so far from reality. It's going to be freezing and they aren't even giving us any chocolate. They're giving us hoodies that say chocolate. Don't get me wrong.. they're cool lookin' hoodies and I'll totally sport mine everywhere I go but I was SLIGHTLY hoping for some real motivation.. Like chocolate.
   I started my 'training' on Sunday. I did a total of 2.25 miles in incremements of quarter mile walking/jogging. Not too shabby considering I haven't ran in months.. and the fact that Chase demanded me to sing to him during part of my run. yeah.. word to the world.. don't try that. You'll pass out.
   I skipped last night to give my aching muscles a break and will start again tonight. I'm actually pretty excited. I'm just trying to decide if I want to run then eat or vice versa.. I'm sure if I want to keep my treadmill clean, I'll run first. *sigh*
   This will prove interesting..

Need more of this in the chocolate run.. alert the officials for me, please.


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