The shot glass. The orange. And the grass.

     I had my first shot in over 6 years today... only this one didn't make me want to vomit. Wait, yes it did. Back up... This one didn't harm my liver. That's right folks. Watch while I bust out my Bucket List and mark off, 'Take a shot of wheat grass" cause I did! And it was NASTY! Not nearly as nasty as I thought it'd be but it was pretty grody.
     This marks Day 2 of my juice fast. Up until about an hour ago it's been actually pretty manageable. I did have a slight moment of crazy as I was cleaning out my car yesterday. I came across an old chicken strip that had fallen between the seats. It took a lot of willpower to not pop it into my mouth. I even caught myself squeezing it to see if it was hard... Don't judge me...
     Anyhoo! About an hour ago I got a random craving for nachos... and then it was over. I was hungry. I tried drinking more juice to balance the hunger and it did nothing but made me want to vomit. I'm up to my ears in juice.. which is the point of this thing. I know... but I'm already tired of it. I've read how this happens... this is where a lot of people fall under pressure and quit the fast. This is where the men are separated from the boys.. well, in my case the women from the girls.. the warriors from the weak... the leaders from the followers... ooooo I smell pizza!
     Fear not, my trusty blog followers! I have not cheated! I have not partaken of the forbidden food! I WILL CONQUER! I just need to work on my drool reflex when I see, smell, or think about food. That's all. No biggie...
     So, official report for Day 2: I'm hungry. Like a lion on the prowl. I could rip apart flesh with nothing but my teeth! Maybe I went a little far there. I don't like getting food on my face.. I could cut apart flesh with a fork and knife.. and an open flame because raw meat is gross... Steak sounds amazing... with loaded potatoes and rolls.. wait. What was I saying?


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