"My child has the mange..."

Yes.. you read that correctly. Tom has a form of mange. Now.. when I heard this I thought, "What in the world?!" but then the shock faded away as I really wasn't that surprised. Bug, after bug, after bug has been traveling through my home lately and this is just the icing on cake. In the past 3 weeks Tom has had a staph infection, bronchitis and now the previous staph infection has come back in the form of fungus. We took Chase in today and he has a double ear infection. As I'm typing this.. I must say that my throat is a little scratchy. Oohhhhh, how I LOVE this weather!!!!!!! Once again, my fellow blog readers. Please keep us in your prayers and stay away...


  The Sickley's.


  1. BTW, his fungus isn't contagious. Please don't feel like you should wear face masks around him. :)


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