A juice of mistaken identity.

I am on day 5 of my juice fast. DAY 5!! I MADE IT TO DAY 5!!!! I'm as surprised as you are. Foodie Fran has not eaten anything in 5 days and I feel FRANTASTIC! I'll admit the first few days were a little trying but not nearly as bad as I had imagined them to be. The hunger wasn't really an issue but that may be because I started meal replacements a few days before my fast. What bothered me the most was the lack of energy. I felt like a newborn baby drinking a bottle. I could fall asleep anywhere, doing anything and wouldn't have even cared if all I was wearing was a diaper... just kidding... but not really. I was tired. While I'm trying to juice the majority of my "meals" I find it very hard to juice every single one. To help out my ridiculously busy lifestyle.. and pure laziness.. I have purchased a variety of juices by Bolthouse Farms. They're delicious, nutritious, and some other word that rhymes with delicious. ...