The shot glass. The orange. And the grass.

I had my first shot in over 6 years today... only this one didn't make me want to vomit. Wait, yes it did. Back up... This one didn't harm my liver. That's right folks. Watch while I bust out my Bucket List and mark off, 'Take a shot of wheat grass" cause I did! And it was NASTY! Not nearly as nasty as I thought it'd be but it was pretty grody. This marks Day 2 of my juice fast. Up until about an hour ago it's been actually pretty manageable. I did have a slight moment of crazy as I was cleaning out my car yesterday. I came across an old chicken strip that had fallen between the seats. It took a lot of willpower to not pop it into my mouth. I even caught myself squeezing it to see if it was hard... Don't judge me... Anyhoo! About an hour ago I got a random craving for nachos... and then it was over. I was hungry. I tried drinking more juice to balance the hunger and it did nothing but made me want to vomit. I'm...