The Skinny on Amino's

If you've been brave enough to stick your toe in the pool we call "Fitness" then you've more than likely heard the importance of protein. You know the stereotype; hit the gym, throw some weights around, then sit back and fuel those gains with a tasty protein drink. While the concept seems simple enough; it's really not that cut and dry. Protein is actually made up of amino acids. When you ingest a protein, your body breaks it down into individual amino's, restructures them and then uses them for whatever purpose they're needed for at the time. While drinking protein after a workout is ideal, you're really cutting your gains and recovery short when you don't add additional amino supplementation to your routine. Of the 20 main amino acids, only 11 are produced naturally by our bodies. These are called non-essential amino's because it's not necessary to get them from our diet. Amino's have a multitude of responsibility that ...