Off with the old... On with the new.

There are so many different stages of fitness. Some are physical, some mental and everyone experiences them differently. I'm currently in the stage my husband would probably call the "Baby Stage" because I act like a baby almost every time we go to the gym. My mindset is right when we get there but then when my body doesn't do what I think it should, I get frustrated and allow it to ruin my workout. I was having a conversation the other night with the hubs, who also happens to be my trainer, and we were discussing my mental block. He explained to me, for the probably millionth time, that I needed to use that frustration and anger to power my workouts. While that sounds like a great motivational poster... I didn't have a clue how to do it. So, we hit the gym at lunch yesterday and an honest mistake with weight caused me to completely fail out on my second set. I mean, I was done.. and then I was pissed. "How did you n...