Pre-Workout or BUST!

Ask any gym rat and they'll all tell you the same thing. The three most important things for a killer workout are: 1. An amazing playlist 2. Comfortable workout gear 3. And a pre-workout that doesn't make you want to claw your face off ....Not necessarily in that order I've always had a Love/Hate Relationship with supplements. On one hand, I believe in and support all the benefits attributed to proper supplementation when it comes to fitness and health. But the other hand, it isn't so understanding. It's lazy and can't find the keys even when holding them. In an effort to balance finding my "peak" performance and keeping in mind that I'm horrible at remembering pretty much anything, I keep my supplements to a minimum. Along with regular daily vitamins, I supplement my workouts with a fat burner, pre-workout and BCAA. Since I don't take very many, I've had the opportunity to try a slew of different brands. Most...