A Runner In A China Cabinet

I need a couch, a pillow, and a counselor - in the form of a pair of running shoes and an endless road. The past two weeks have been full of ailments and one run. One. Single. Run. It is driving me CRAZY! I need the road! I need some earbuds, my GPS watch, and sweat! This is my first case of the "No Running Blues" and it's killing me... I didn't realize how therapeutic my runs have become. How liberated I feel when I stop my GPS watch when I finish the route. The feeling of "Nothing Matters" when I'm away from the worries of the day and I'm alone on the road. I feel like Rose on the bow of the Titanic screaming "I'm flying!" but not flying.. running.. and I'm not on a ship.. I'm in my neighborhood with my neighbors giving me strange looks as I lap their house for the 7th time... I've been side lined for two weeks. COUNT THEM - TWO WEEKS! I feel like I need to rip somethin...