
Showing posts from November, 2013

A Runner In A China Cabinet

    I need a couch, a pillow, and a counselor - in the form of a pair of running shoes and an endless road.      The past two weeks have been full of ailments and one run. One. Single. Run. It is driving me CRAZY!  I need the road! I need some earbuds, my GPS watch, and sweat!      This is my first case of the "No Running Blues" and it's killing me... I didn't realize how therapeutic my runs have become. How liberated I feel when I stop my GPS watch when I finish the route. The feeling of "Nothing Matters" when I'm away from the worries of the day and I'm alone on the road. I feel like Rose on the bow of the Titanic screaming "I'm flying!" but not flying.. running.. and I'm not on a ship.. I'm in my neighborhood with my neighbors giving me strange looks as I lap their house for the 7th time...      I've been side lined for two weeks. COUNT THEM - TWO WEEKS! I feel like I need to rip somethin...

And I fell in love with the water guy....

    OK, so I didn't fall in love , per say, with the water guy but he was definitely my best friend today.     Today was my first 10k and unlike the reaping in the Hunger Games.. the odds were not in my favor.      It all started at the beginning of the week when my body started to rebel. I had some ovarian cysts who decided they were being neglected and started giving me serious problems. I was out of commission for 3 days with those babies which took away the time I had planned to get in some short runs to prepare for today. So, coming off a week of absolutely NO running and tons of pain meds.. I woke up this morning praying that the pain would stay away long enough for me to make it through my run.      I'll admit it. I almost cried Friday night as I was talking to a friend of mine about possibly missing the run. I've worked SO hard and SO long to get to this point and one stupid little ovary was going to keep ...

Nothing but the road and my thoughts.

     In preparation of my first "official" 10k this coming Saturday, I have strategically planned my long distance runs for the past 3 weeks. And when I say strategically planned, I mean I realized I only had 3 weeks left and just started cramming them into my running schedule.      This weekend was my last chance to get in a practice run. All week I had it planned in my head to run the 6.2 miles on Saturday morning. I was motivated. I was ready. Nothing was going to get in my way. Nothing... Except for my bed. My big, comfy, pillow top mattress covered - king size bed.      Everything was perfect. Everyone was asleep. It was cold outside. None of my neighbors were mowing their yards.. Neither of the kids had their feet in my face... My bed was my friend. My pillow was my lover... and the alarm, that evil alarm clock was my enemy..      The alarm went off and I jumped up... to turn it off and got back i...